June 16, 2024

DIY Dinosaur Corn Cob Holder– Corn’a’saurus (Corn-oh-sore-us)

How to make your own 'Corn'a'saurus' - a Dinosaur Corn on the cobb holder!

Introducing the – Corn’a’saurus (Corn-oh-sore-us).

A dinosaur that inhabits dinner plates around the world and loves to watch kids eat their veggies.

These are so incredibly easy to make and my kids just LOVE them!

How to – 

We found some soft rubbery dinosaurs at about local toy shop (Toyworld) for $2 each and used some regular corn on the cobb holders.

The making process is simple – Start by washing your Dinosaurs thoroughly before cutting them in half using some sharp kitchen scissors. Remove the stuffing & glue the corn holder handles inside the hollow dinosaurs using a hot glue gun…I placed the glue towards the far end of the hollow space to ensure it wouldn’t be eaten ;).

DIY Dinosaur Corn Cobb Holder

Once the dinosaurs have fully dried you can use them on your corn! My son loves his corn…but I’ve never seem him more excited to eat THIS corn.

DIY Dinosaur Corn Cobb Holder

DIY Dinosaur Corn Cobb Holder

Taking a bite between contestant RAWR sounds ;)
Taking a bite between contestant RAWR sounds 😉


We hope you are inspired by this tutorial and decide to make some of your own – please share your ‘creations’ on our Facebook page :).

“No real Dinosaurs were harmed in the making of this production…”

If you liked this craft, you may also like our:

DIY Dinosaur Eggs

DIY Dinosaur Fossils

Frozen Dinosaur Eggs

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76 thoughts on “DIY Dinosaur Corn Cob Holder– Corn’a’saurus (Corn-oh-sore-us)

    1. Wow, somebody got out of bed on the wrong side this morning! Can’t you just see this for what it is, a wonderful, FUN idea?!

    2. The kids that don’t like to eat stuff that’s good for them. My child might actually eat corn with these.

    3. Why do you feel the need to be so rude? If you don’t like the idea, there’s really no need to comment. Didn’t your mother teach you, “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”?

      Anyway, I think this is a really cute idea! I’m wondering about the safety of the plastic, of unknown origin, touching the food. Definitely something to look into though.

    4. My 4 yr old doesn’t like corn on the cob because her are small and she doesn’t like getting dirty and even if you cut it off she still thinks it is yucky. If these would help her to eat it then I would happily put in the time and effort. Besides that my 7 yr old Autistic son loves dinosaurs and corn and this could really help him too.

    5. If you want to put brussel sprouts with this go for it! I’d recommend using the tiny dinosaurs that come in a pack of 50 from the dollar store though, you know the ones that the kids leave all over the floor and you cuss when you step on them. Maybe use paper clips to attach it to the sprout. Don’t sue me when it comes apart and your kid chokes though….

    6. Children are led by example — in everything we say and do Be a better parent Set a good example. My mother always said” You must taste — a bite for every year of age ” She raised 10 children and best cook in town.

  1. I love this, but what about all the space around the holder in the hollowed out dinosaur? I’m ready to go otherwise!

    1. We used some thick corn holders that filled nearly the entire space – I hand wash them after dinner :). Thanks for your question. Louise x

    2. I was wondering the same thing. The inside of the dinosaur is much bigger than the cob holder. How do you attach it?

  2. These are sooo cute! Thank you for sharing this idea! I have a question, though: when you finish eating the corn, and you want to pull out the holders, won’t they come out of the dinosaur {or other toy you might have used}, since the hot glue is not that resistant??

    1. We have used ours many times without the Dino coming unstuck…I always hand wash them afterwards. Our Dinos were a soft rubber? Louise x

  3. I am absolutely in love with these!! How cool. I wish I would have seen this when my son was little. He loved dinosaurs. I’m still going to make them!! Oh the possibilities!!

  4. These look fantastic and my daughter would love them. Maybe I’m just paranoid but I’d never regularly combine any cheap plastic toy (or glue from a hot glue gun) with her food.

    These would be illegal to sell in Australia.

  5. This is a Cool idea now I’m going to look for things to do this with not just Dinosaurs .

  6. Cute and clever idea. Make sure you know and understand the origin of the toys and the paint that has been used.

  7. The pointy parts seem dangerous if I kid pulled it off and shouldn’t you be cutting the corn off the cob for a child?

    1. One of the things I mentioned also Tanya. I didn’t even begin to touch that part of it. But yes, it would be very dangerous.

  8. I hope that parents realize how toxic this can be for the child. First most of the plastics that are used for the inexpensive toys are from foreign countries with little to no regulations on what kind of chemicals they can contain. We have more kids get sick in our ER due to the toxicity of rubber type toys, when pieces are eaten or “heavily sucked on” so to speak. My other concerns are the glue. My first concern is what reaction the rubber will have with the glue. Cheap toys, glues, melting… all of us Mom’s have smelled that “funny smell” before. Well those are those wonderful little unregulated pieces of ????? melting with the glue. The last part is if the the corn cob holder is not secure enough, or just has been on its’ 10th use & decides to dislodge. Child then has sharp corn cob holder in the mouth. Are they adorable to look at? Sure. Just make sure you educate yourself on the hazards first. Just because I’m a pediatrician, doesn’t mean that I am “anti” everything. Far from it. I am a Mom first, physician second.

    1. The cob holder will stay in the cob so the sharp points shouldn’t hurt your child if the glue fails. Now if your kid pulls the cob holder out of the cob then they are probably strong enough (and old enough) to understand about sharp objects. I think these should just be used only when you are able to supervise your child while they are eating (don’t turn your back so you can take it away if you suspect anything dangerous might happen). I would definitely try to make these or something like them for my daughter.

  9. Please stop saying this will help children of any type eat their vegetables. Corn is a grain, not a vegetable, and most children get adequate grains, a little basic nutritional information goes a long way, and this is simply inaccurate. Corn has nothing to do with vegetables, and the fact that you don’t u deist and this should be a little embarrassing,

  10. Try filling the extra space with a water and heat proff resen insted of the hotglue it would last longer and be a little more sanitary. Dont yell at me just a sugestion

  11. Ok, Chris, I find my corn seed, for planting and growing in my garden, in the vegetable section of the seed shops. But maybe it should be with the rice seeds, wheat seeds, potato seeds, macaroni seeds and bread seeds. Come on people! Some of this politically correct business really makes us all seem like “educated idiots” as my dad would put it! Let’s enjoy life and make the best of whatever it throws at us! Have some fun and laugh with us, not just at us, huh?

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